How to Add Elegant Irish Decor to Your Home
If we are old school friends then you know that part of my journey to becoming a designer includes a season where I wrote a blog. I launched it in 2012 and for 5 years learned a ton about writing and social media while overcoming all kinds of thoughts that come with putting yourself online. It was something that I enjoyed and hit pause on when I decided to go back to school. My intention was to migrate all of those stories onto my interior design website at some point.
But here’s the thing… your girl is not overly techy. And in that migration, I ended up deleting the whole thing.
Of course, there was no back-up.
Big tears were shed!
And so I got some assistance and was able to archive some of the content. In the process, I reread my work and realized I really liked where things where going… the voice I had formed in the online space. Not all of what I had shared needed to make the cut, but the little nuggets that I think you might find helpful will come out of the archives for you here. Enjoy!
Add Elegant Irish Decor to Your Home
So here’s the thing… I’m Irish.
Or rather I’m an American with deep Irish roots.
Granted, I don’t speak Gaelic and although my grandmother would’ve loved it, I never learned Irish folk dancing. I’ve never even been to Ireland, but I hope to go someday.
However, my very earliest memories are sitting in my great-grandmother’s kitchen eating fresh homemade Irish Soda Bread and drinking tea. Even though I was too young to understand much from the visits, I did manage to grasp the specialness of them.
When St. Patrick’s Day rolls around each year, I’m reminded of my heritage and I’m a bit conflicted by all the crafts & decor that start showing up. I often think “I don’t think this holiday means what you think it means”. When my great-grandmother came to America, I don’t think she imagined that her culture would be burned into her new homes heart as one of leprechauns, pots of gold and rainbows.
Don’t get me wrong… those things are all fun traditions especially with little ones. But for me to get my glittery green shamrock on… well it just isn’t my thing. Even if shamrock shakes are magically delicious.
In the full interest of disclosure, we do have one leprechaun that makes an appearance this time of year. However, he gets a pass since my son brought him home from second grade and said “Look what I made today.”
I kinda adore him. I’d post a tutorial, but I’m still not sure how my son created him.
Anyhoo… rather than decorate with rainbows and clovers, I like to break out my Irish Belleek and display it for the season.
Belleek is very delicate Irish pottery that was always around or a topic of conversation when I was growing up. All of my pieces were given to me by family and when I get a chance to visit with my Dad or aunt, I love to hear about their latest acquisitions.
With spring almost here, I prefer to bring in fresh cut flowers and greens to decorate with. Tulips are my favorite and I think they are so striking paired with these porcelain dishes.
Although I constantly use my vases, I’m actually deathly afraid to use the tea cups. They are so paper thin, I’m worried I might crack one. Regardless, they sure are gorgeous to look at and I enjoy bringing out these pieces each year.
What is your favorite St. Patrick’s Day tradition that you look forward to each year? Do you happen to own any beautiful pieces of Irish Belleek pottery? Be honest… are you indulging in green beer or enjoying a glass of Bailey’s Irish Cream on the 17th?